Food Facts

Food Facts is a list of nutritious items you need to add to your daily diet. This site is focused on providing beneficial information to the world about different foods, including nutritiously healthy recipes that optimize the benefits of these foods.

Why You Might Only Need High Dose Iodine Supplements in the Event of a Nuclear Disaster


Iodine is a vitally important nutrient that is detected in every organ and tissue and many if not most are deficient in this nutrient. Along with being essential for healthy thyroid function and efficient metabolism, there is increasing evidence that low iodine is related to numerous diseases, including cancer.

Top Foods to Avoid with High Blood Pressure


What causes high blood pressure? Normally not consuming enough vegetables and fruits can result in a high sodium intake and low potassium intake, which can contribute to developing high blood pressure. So with high blood pressure, you are recommended to have a diet low in sodium and fat, avoid these foods:

10 Scientifically Supported Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea

white ceramic teacup with saucer near two books above gray floral textile
Tea is more than simply a comforting hot cup. Tea has been and continues to be a custom and ritual in civilizations all across the world for thousands of years.

7 Superb Superfoods to Power Up Your Life : Discover MORE…

green leaf plant on black round pot

Eating healthy is almost synonymous to staying healthy. Almost 80 percent of the positive effects you reap from a wholesome lifestyle can be attributed to a balanced and nutritious diet, with the remaining 20 percent coming from exercise.

SEE INFOGRAPHIC HERE: 7 Superb Superfoods to Power Up Your Life

Pitfalls of Eating Processed Foods


I truly believe that the unhealthy processed food diet that many people are accustomed today is the reason why a significant portion of the population is growing sicker and fatter. You may be thinking, “How does eating unhealthy processed food truly impact my health?” Well, wonder no more – here are the reasons why:

Sugar in Foods (A Sweet Trap)

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You may enjoy eating processed, supermarket-bought foods because they taste good, but what if you find out that these products contain a dangerous sweetener that may have long-term effects on your health? This sweetener is none other than high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the leading source of calories in the United States today. HFCS lurks in many so-called "healthy" food products – even some which are not naturally sweet.

Top Warning Sign And Health Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency


Vitamin D deficiency has become a fairly common condition in adults. This is a somewhat new finding; however lack of Vitamin D can cause some bad changes to the body. Adults are especially affected because most adults don’t eat foods that have Vitamin D and they often receive very little sunshine.

Mastering the Art of Tea Brewing: Unveiling the Secrets of Steeping, Temperature, and Vessels

Tea brewing is an art that allows us to unlock the hidden depths of flavor within tea leaves. With the right knowledge of steeping times, water temperatures, and brewing vessels, we can transform a simple cup of tea into a truly extraordinary experience. By understanding the intricacies of tea brewing, we embark on a journey of exploration, where each brew becomes an opportunity to delve into the unique characteristics of different tea types and create a moment of pure sensory delight.

Go Nuts about Coconuts – Learn More about This Amazing Plant

opened coconut on sands
Probably no fruit or plant has garnered the level of recognition the coconut has. The list of benefits you can obtain from coconuts goes on and on.

Tea Traditions Around the World: A Global Journey of Flavor and Ritual

Tea traditions around the world offer a captivating glimpse into the customs and heritage of different countries. From the serene and mindful Japanese tea ceremony to the refined elegance of British afternoon tea, and from the warm hospitality of Moroccan mint tea to the spiritual connection of Chinese tea ceremonies, and the soul-soothing experience of Indian chai, each tea tradition carries its own unique flavors, rituals, and cultural significance.

Must Read

Chlorella: Use This Superfood to Help Remove Mercury From Your Tissues...


Have you noticed that practically every day a new story comes out in the media about the toxic side effects of living in the modern world? Chemical and heavy metal dangers seem to be lurking everywhere you turn in the 21st century!

Pesticides coat much of our fresh food supply, chemical by-products from manufacturing are routinely dumped into our air and water, and mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth may be releasing mercury into your body with every bite of food you take!

Magnet Therapy

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