Tea appears to solve almost any problem. Worked through a stressful day? Curl up with a hot cup of tea. Do you have a lethargic feeling? A matcha latte will perk you up. Are you feeling under the weather? Tea and honey might help soothe a sore throat. Tea’s therapeutic advantages, regardless of type, have been recognized for thousands of years. Many of these advantages are now being supported by current research. Here are some backed by science reasons : 

1. It boosts your metabolism.

Polyphenols in black, oolong, and green tea have all been found to boost calorie expenditure and decrease body fat. Tea, interestingly, increases one form of fat: brown fat. Because brown fat is more metabolically active and includes more mitochondria than white fat, it can burn calories and increase metabolism.


A analysis of 15 research found that people who drank two to six cups of green tea per day for more than 12 weeks had lower body fat and body weight than those who did not. Still not a fan of brewed tea? Green tea extract, a concentrated version of green tea available in powders and tablets, has also been found to increase metabolism and aid in weight reduction.

2. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Diabetes and cognitive impairment have all been related to inflammation. In fact, it has been linked to the cause of nearly all chronic illnesses. Tea’s antioxidant polyphenols are potent anti-inflammatory agents. In fact, the antioxidant activity of EGCG in green tea is up to 100 times more than that of vitamin C.

Tea has been found in studies to be useful for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and other inflammation-related illnesses.

3. It lowers the chances of dying from some chronic illnesses.

In a research of almost 40,000 individuals, it was shown that drinking tea on a daily basis lowered the chance of dying from heart disease, stroke, and certain malignancies. In fact, individuals who drank five or more cups of green tea per day had a 16% reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality than those who drank less than one cup per day. Green tea’s influence on hypertension and obesity, as well as strong polyphenols, are credited by researchers for its preventive effect.

Chronic illnesses are among the top causes of mortality in the United States, making it even more vital to consume tea on a daily basis. Those who drank three to four cups per day had more benefit than those who drank one cup or none at all, so drink up!

4. It has the potential to increase insulin sensitivity.

Diabetes problems may be reduced by drinking green tea. Diabetes is a global health problem, posing considerable risks of complications, premature mortality, and reduced quality of life. Tea has been shown in studies to increase insulin sensitivity, protect pancreatic cells from further damage, and reduce inflammation, all of which help individuals at risk of or already diagnosed with diabetes.

5. It’s beneficial to your brain.

Tea drinking on a regular basis may reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological illnesses. While the precise origins of Alzheimer’s are unknown and there is no treatment, research shows that consuming green and black tea improves cognitive scores in people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It can also improve memory and attention span, therefore preventing cognitive deterioration. Tea’s caffeine-L-theanine combination has been proven to increase response time, visual processing, memory, and attention. It even alters the structure of your brain to allow for more effective information processing.

6. It may aid in the prevention of cancer.

The catechin EGCG in green tea is a powerful antioxidant with significant cancer-fighting potential. EGCG has been shown in lab and animal trials to prevent metastasis and improve prognosis for malignancies of the breast, lungs, colon, skin, and others.

While additional human clinical trials are needed, several long-term observational studies have discovered comparable cancer-fighting effects. Japanese women, for example, who drank 10 or more cups of green tea per day (120 ml or 4 ounces each) experienced a seven-year delay in cancer start. According to reports, this amount of tea is comparable to 2.5 grammes of green tea extract.

7. It is helpful to your oral health.

Not all beverages are beneficial for your teeth (watch out, sugary sodas and juices!). Tea, on the other hand, has the potential to promote dental health. Tea includes fluoride, which has been shown to benefit bacterial populations in the mouth. This lowers the risk of periodontal disease, cavities, and potentially oral cancer. So, even if you don’t floss every day, you may feel good about your dental health if you drink tea.

8. It has the potential to increase fertility.

Is there anything that tea cannot accomplish? According to a 2018 review, fertility difficulties are significantly impacted by the level of oxidative stress in reproductive organs. Then there’s tea. Tea polyphenols have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As a result, the authors believe that tea can increase fertility in both men and women. More study is required, but it appears to be promising.

9. It has a moisturizing effect.

This one could catch you off guard. Previously, it was assumed that tea (and coffee) caused dryness by acting as a diuretic and causing the body to lose more fluid, but new study shows that up to six to eight cups of tea per day is just as hydrating as the same quantity of water.

10. It’s good for your digestive system.  

Fiber and probiotics aren’t the only things that contribute to gut health. Tea polyphenols have been shown in studies to positively affect intestinal flora. This can result in beneficial health consequences such as decreased glucose absorption, better blood sugar levels, and weight loss.

Now that you’re craving a hot cup of tea, what kind should you have? Black, green, oolong, and white teas are the four primary types of tea (excluding herbal teas, which can be prepared from a broad range of plants). These four varieties are all created from the leaves of the evergreen plant Camellia sinensis, but they are processed in various ways.

Whatever tea you like, the study is conclusive. Drink three to six cups of white, green, oolong, black, or herbal tea every day to remain warm in the winter, cool off in the summer, and have a healthy heart, brain, and body.


Hi ! I am a passionate advocate for health and holistic well-being. With a deep-rooted belief in the body's innate healing capacity, this blog explores a wide range of holistic practices and natural remedies. Through my blog, I offer insightful and practical advice on nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and self-care. Personal experiences and a touch of creativity to inspire readers on their journey towards vibrant living. Join VeryBestForYou as it unravel the secrets to optimal health and guide you towards a balanced and fulfilling life.