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Egg Nutritional Information: Why This Food Should Be a Regular Part of Your Diet

Eggs have been part of the human diet ever since ancient times, when early civilizations, such as Egyptians started domesticating wild fowls. Now, eggs are a mainstay in many people’s meals due to their outstanding nutritional content.

The protein in eggs is the highest-quality protein found in any food. Eggs also contain essential nutrients like vitamin B12, eye health-promoting antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, cancer-fighting amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, and choline, which aids in fetal brain development.  

But before you start hoarding eggs from your local supermarket, consider this: are you 100 percent sure that the ones you’re selecting can truly provide you with all these wholesome nutrients?

Be Warned: Not All Eggs Are Equally Nutritious

The fact is that a lot of the seemingly healthy egg varieties you see in supermarkets are actually nothing more than an advertising trick.

One example is omega-3 eggs, or “nutrient-enhanced eggs,” which actually come from chickens that are given poor-quality sources of omega-3 fats that are already oxidized. They also perish much faster than non-omega-3 eggs.

In order to ensure the quality of your eggs, I urge you to keep an eye out for organic, pastured varieties from local farmers who allow their hens to forage freely outdoors.

Free-Range, Pasteurized, Cage-Free Organic… Do These Words Mean Anything?

You may have spotted these words on some egg cartons, which seem to convince and assure consumers that the products come from reliable, high-quality sources.

But in reality, these terms DO NOT guarantee the conditions in which the chickens are raised. For example, some “cage-free” hens are allowed to forage, but only in unpleasant environments, such as barren lots. Or they may have been fed an unnatural diet of grains and synthetic additives.

You may have also been enticed to buy eggs with smooth white shells, but this actually has no effect on the eggs’ nutrition value. In fact, if you want to find out the real nutritional value of your egg, I advise you to check the yolk. Dull, pale yellow yolks are a sure sign that the eggs are produced by caged hens raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), and were not allowed to forage for their natural diet.

The Alarming Truth About CAFO Chickens and Eggs

The US is now the largest producer of eggs, the majority of which are produced in CAFOs. These confined establishments are not only filthy and disease-ridden, but they also treat egg-laying hens despicably. The poor animals are crammed into very tiny quarters, fed growth hormones to increase egg production, and even have their beaks painfully removed to minimize cannibalism, a trait that is highly intensified in overcrowded CAFOs. 

What’s worse, these confined operations promote the spread of dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella – which can be passed on to you.

This is exactly why you need to be very stringent when selecting healthful eggs for you and your family. Don’t worry – here’s a guide to help you out.

Discover More Useful Egg Nutritional Information from This Infographic : Everything You Need to Know About Eggs

  • I’ve compiled the important facts you need to know about eggs in this infographic, “Everything You Need to Know About Eggs.” This comprehensive guide can help you select the freshest, highest-quality eggs that can provide you and your loved ones with optimal nutrition. In this infographic, you will learn:
  • Valuable nuggets of information on egg nutrition – Discover the best way to cook eggs to maximize its nutritional content.
  • How to define and differentiate free-range, cage-free, pastured, and organic eggs – Are any of these the truly highest quality eggs you seek?
  • How eggs are graded and sized, and how you can distinguish good ones from bad ones – You’ll also learn why “clean,” white eggs are not as healthy as they seem. 

Don’t miss out on this valuable egg nutrition information – check out this infographic now. I advise you to share it with your family and friends, so they too will learn the tips and tricks in selecting high-quality, nutritious eggs.


Hi ! I am a passionate advocate for health and holistic well-being. With a deep-rooted belief in the body's innate healing capacity, this blog explores a wide range of holistic practices and natural remedies. Through my blog, I offer insightful and practical advice on nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and self-care. Personal experiences and a touch of creativity to inspire readers on their journey towards vibrant living. Join VeryBestForYou as it unravel the secrets to optimal health and guide you towards a balanced and fulfilling life.