People who were mentally strong were not born that way. Much like you, they always used to doubt themselves. Affirmations are a perfect way to reframe your attitude. Affirmations are motivational phrases and terms that you repeat as often as possible (usually by speaking them aloud or writing them down), with the purpose of flipping your brain habits from negative to positive.

Note these affirmations that will enable you to be mentally powerful and gain trust in yourself.


1. “Nothing can break me.”

Mentally strong people don’t allow any adverse occurrence to emotionally kill them. It’s all right to get angry, but it’s NOT all right to let your circumstances turn into a dictator who steals your happiness. Having a role-model that surmounted a challenge much greater than anything you’ve ever encountered could be beneficial.

2. Change your perspective

Wonderful people know perfectionism is a stumbling block on the journey to happiness. This acknowledgment of everyday life helps one to accept the unfocused edges and appreciate what is.

3. “I have the power to choose.”

People who are psychologically stable don’t agonize over every decision. Planning is just a veiled procrastination. It’s all right to make a plan for important matters that require factors that need to be weighed, but it’s NOT all right to handle insignificant stuff (like what you’re going to wear today) as though it’s a life-changing option. Performance is reserved for people with the ability to act quickly and confidently, without being concerned with a potential outcome beyond their control.

4. “If I don’t believe in myself, why should anyone else?”

Those who are intellectually powerful don’t doubt their ability. Of course, it’s cool to search for information that can make you a better person, but it’s NOT okay to believe that a textbook solution will solve any problem. Doubting yourself would only stop you from achieving difficult (but worthwhile) goals to make you feel comfortable and fulfilled. You’ll be motivated to believe in yourself to trust your instincts and open up more possibilities than you would have expected.

5. The time is now

Whenever you need a boost, consider reading positive daily affirmation you ‘re hungry for, which reminds one to stop making excuses, seize the day and begin to make our dreams come true.

6. “My goal is important to me, because ___________.”

Often, it’s okay to get confused about what you want, but it’s NOT okay never to think and consider the issue. For example, if you want to lose weight, it could be helpful to consider how you’d gain emotionally from getting healthy.

7. Look on the bright side

Happy ones aren’t always rushing to judgment. They give the benefit of the doubt to others. That is not to suggest that they let anyone take advantage of them, but instead when it comes to forgiving perceived slights when they are generous.

Affirmations attempt to help you change your unconscious thought processing and reasoning. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we’d like to challenge you to cherish what makes you special and protect the people and aspects of your life that bring you great joy.

Most followers suggest that you say or write your preferred affirmation at least 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening, all while barely concentrating on the words you use. You ‘re not just speaking or writing an affirmation — you feel it. So what better time to continue a practice of encouragement than when our days are loaded with possibilities ?

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