Mercury Dental Fillings


Mercury is one of the most potent neurotoxins found in the environment. Exposure to this heavy metal poses potential psychological, neurological, immunological, and endocrinal damage in your body. Although mercury is found in air and water pollution, it can also reach your bloodstream and impair your vital functions through dental amalgams, which are deceptively called "silver fillings."

Top Warning Sign And Health Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency


Vitamin D deficiency has become a fairly common condition in adults. This is a somewhat new finding; however lack of Vitamin D can cause some bad changes to the body. Adults are especially affected because most adults don’t eat foods that have Vitamin D and they often receive very little sunshine.

Awaken Your Vitality: Embracing Ayurveda’s Radiant Daily Rituals for Holistic Healing

Embark on a journey to holistic well-being with Ayurvedic daily rituals. Discover the simplicity of practices like tongue cleaning, self-massage, and mindful moments. Elevate your everyday with easy habits that bring balance, joy, and a touch of ancient wisdom. Start your wellness journey today!

10 Amazing Spices and Herbs that Will Help you Lose Weight


Most people know that the key to weight loss lies within what you eat. What many don’t know is that a key component might be collecting dust on your spice rack.

They may seem small and insignificant but spices offer much more than a kick of flavor to your meals. Many of them have ingredients that serve as potent weight loss aides when used correctly. Consider adding a natural weight loss catalyst to your diet by including some of the spices listed below into your daily routine.

Is Your Body Toxic?


Feeling sluggish or out of sync? Struggling with skin problems, aches and pains, or digestive problems? Can't seem to lose weight? It might be time for a body detox.

Making DIY Disinfectant Wipes

Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., R.N., CRNA Cleaning products, soaps, antiseptics, and disinfectants are in high demand now as people all over the world do their best to prevent coming into contact with the virus that causes COVID-19. During this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you regularly disinfect your phone and other high-touch surfaces like doorknobs,...

Chlorella as a Powerful Detoxification Tool


One of the most exciting nutritional resources available today to help your body naturally fight environmental pollution is a whole-food based supplement called chlorella. Chlorella is actually one of the most widely used supplements in Japan, where over 10 million people use it regularly. The Japanese use of chlorella is more widespread than the North American use of vitamin C, our most popular supplement.

Do the Japanese know something we don't?

Sugar in Foods (A Sweet Trap)

pink doughnut on white textile

You may enjoy eating processed, supermarket-bought foods because they taste good, but what if you find out that these products contain a dangerous sweetener that may have long-term effects on your health? This sweetener is none other than high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the leading source of calories in the United States today. HFCS lurks in many so-called "healthy" food products – even some which are not naturally sweet.

15 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning


If you are looking for an easy trick to improve your life and overall health, than look no further. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a pretty simple routine to get into and will have tremendous effects on your overall health.

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Too Much Alcohol


Some people believe that an occasional glass of red wine can benefit your health. Regardless of the merits of this view, too much red wine is a recipe for disaster.

Alcohol can impair decision-making abilities and motor skills. It is frequently a factor in vehicular accidents, violent behaviors, unplanned pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the lethal danger of alcohol poisoning, too, which negatively impacts your health and may even cost you your life if it’s not properly addressed.

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