Why You Might Only Need High Dose Iodine Supplements in the Event of a Nuclear Disaster


Iodine is a vitally important nutrient that is detected in every organ and tissue and many if not most are deficient in this nutrient. Along with being essential for healthy thyroid function and efficient metabolism, there is increasing evidence that low iodine is related to numerous diseases, including cancer.

5 Natural Alternative of Aspirin


New research has shown that a unique mint herb from Brazil can reduce pain as much as conventional painkillers, making a brew of mint tea an effective cure for stomach ache, headaches and period pains.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting


Intermittent fasting is a powerful approach to eating that is becoming very popular because it can help you lose weight without feeling hunger, and help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. If done correctly, intermittent fasting can also lead to better sleep and lots of energy.

So far, research overwhelmingly supports this notion that ditching the “three square meals a day” approach in favor of intermittent fasting may do wonders for your health. This type of scheduled eating was practiced by our ancestors, since they did not have the frequent access to food that we have now.

How to Make Epsom Salt Bath for Weight Loss


Can taking a relaxing bath really help you lose weight? According to some sources, it can. Epsom salt, widely known for its use with muscle soreness and pain, could assist you to lose some unwanted weight.

How to Detect and Eliminate Demodex Mites Naturally


Human beings live in harmony with many types of creatures, big and small. Several of these organisms live on or in our bodies, and we maintain a symbiotic relationship of give-and-take. For example, good bacteria in our digestive tracts help us to stay healthy, providing aid in the digestion of food that cannot be effectively done by enzymes alone.

8 Natural Remedies to Boost Thyroid Function Naturally


Your thyroid is a hormone producing gland located in the middle of the lower neck. It has an impact on every cell, organ, and tissue of the body. It regulates your body’s temperature, body weight, heart rate, metabolic rate, and production of energy. Although it a very small organ, it optimal function is vital for your overall health and well-being.

Telomere : Science of Growing Younger


Nutritionists have long been interested in the dynamics of telomere length in the body, and how telomeres figure in to human health and life expectancy. Telomeres were first discovered in 1973 by Alexey Olovnikov.

He found that the tiny units of DNA at the very end of each chromosome—the telomere—shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides and they may be the most powerful biological clock that has yet to be identified.

Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get shorter and shorter. Eventually, DNA replication and cell division ceases completely, at which point you die. However, a growing body of research is showing that certain nutrients play a huge role in protecting telomere length; greatly affecting how long you live.


Stay Healthy from Head to Toe with These Natural Health Tips


Here's the truth: you can reach optimal health without using pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, some of the best strategies to maintain optimal health DO NOT require medications and medical intervention. Just by consuming a wholesome diet – one that's composed of organic, raw, and minimally processed foods – and adjusting your lifestyle, you can stay in peak health.

Natural Health Tips infographic is a useful guide to help you care for your body naturally. Learn easy but effective techniques that will help you achieve the optimal level of health. Feel free to share this interesting information with your friends and loved ones.

Intermittent Fasting: How to Enhance Your Body’s Ability to Burn Fat


High-intensity exercise can reap numerous health benefits, and combining it with intermittent fasting takes your fitness up a notch. Properly done, intermittent fasting will enhance your metabolism, fat-burning, and human growth hormone (HGH) production.

There are many considerations to remember when you exercise in a fasted state. This infographic on intermittent fasting provides a recommended schedule and eating to follow, as well as other fasting tips to use.


4 Steps to Help Protect Your Bones No Matter What Your Age

woman emotions foot fitness

One of the best ways to achieve healthy bones is a diet rich in fresh, raw whole foods that maximizes natural minerals so that your body has the raw materials it needs to do what it was designed to do.

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