Food Facts

Food Facts is a list of nutritious items you need to add to your daily diet. This site is focused on providing beneficial information to the world about different foods, including nutritiously healthy recipes that optimize the benefits of these foods.

Nutritional Therapy for HIV and AIDS


The virus causes serious damage to your immune system, which leaves you vulnerable to disease-causing organisms, and may progress into AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). While there is currently no known cure, the virus is typically treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), which consists of a combination of at least three antiretroviral drugs designed to help suppress the HIV virus and stop the progression of disease. 

Nutritional therapy, however, is an often-overlooked alternative, which important new research has shown may be effective in delaying HIV progression without the use of drugs.

Essential Mineral- ZINC


Zinc is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining a sense of smell, keeping a healthy immune system, building proteins, triggering enzymes, and creating DNA. Zinc also helps the cells in your body communicate by functioning as a neurotransmitter. A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity. Conversely, consuming too much zinc can lead to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and headaches in the short term, and can disrupt absorption of copper and iron in the long term. If you have a zinc deficiency, then animal foods are better sources of zinc than plant foods. The current daily value (DV) for Zinc is 15mg. Below is a list of the top ten foods highest in Zinc by common serving size, for more, see the list of high zinc foods by nutrient density, and the extended list of zinc rich foods.

Pitfalls of Eating Processed Foods


I truly believe that the unhealthy processed food diet that many people are accustomed today is the reason why a significant portion of the population is growing sicker and fatter. You may be thinking, “How does eating unhealthy processed food truly impact my health?” Well, wonder no more – here are the reasons why:

Micronutrients and Multivitamins Delay HIV Progression


New study found that HIV-positive people who took multivitamins (B vitamins and vitamins C and E) and selenium fared much better than those who did not. 

Compared to the placebo group, those taking both a daily multivitamin and selenium were half as likely to have drops in CD4 immune cells to levels that would typically be treated with anti-HIV drugs. Further, those taking the supplement combination were also half as likely to develop or die from AIDS.

The Vitamin That Is ‘as Good as Drugs’ at Reducing Blood Pressure


The Vitamin That Is 'as Good as Drugs' at Reducing Blood Pressure

One of the best parts about optimizing your levels of vitamin D3 is that you will experience a host of beneficial "side effects" – even above and beyond your bone health.

A Powerful Nutrient Trio to Reduce Your Osteoporosis Risk


A study published in Osteoporosis International has concluded that lifetime supplementation with vitamin K1 or, even better, K2, vitamin D3, and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women.

Genetically Modified Food


Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of Genetic Engineering . These techniques have allowed for the introduction of new traits as well as a far greater control over a food's genetic structure than previously afforded by methods such as selective breeding and mutation breeding.

Spirulina Safety: Beware of Contamination


Spirulina has a record of safety, even at high doses, with few reported side effects. However, if harvest from polluted waters, or cultivated incorrectly, it can accumulate toxins from the environment.

Get Omega-3 From FLAX SEEDS


Flax seeds resemble sesame seeds in appearance but are slightly bigger in size. Flax seeds are known as Alsi in Hindi. They have a hard but smooth and shiny outer shell. The colour of this seed ranges from deep amber to reddish brown. It has a warm, kind of nutty and earthy flavour.

Vitamin K: The Key Vitamin to Use with Vitamin D


You may be aware that vitamin D and calcium are a powerful duo for bone health, including the prevention of osteoporosis. One of the undisputed benefits of vitamin D is that it helps you ABSORB calcium – this link has been known for many decades.

Must Read

Top 13 Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Disorder


Your thyroid gland plays a very important role in your body. It is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone. It is one of your endocrine glands, which make hormones that control many activities in your body. There are a number of possible thyroid diseases and disorders, and the two of the most common thyroid disorders are hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs) and hypothyroidism (when your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones). Other diseases include goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid gland) and thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

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