Strong Reasons To Grow Seed Indoors

white petaled flowers
Growing plant types that develop at different periods allows you to pick your favourite veggies over a longer period of time by starting seeds indoors.

Intermittent Fasting: How to Enhance Your Body’s Ability to Burn Fat


High-intensity exercise can reap numerous health benefits, and combining it with intermittent fasting takes your fitness up a notch. Properly done, intermittent fasting will enhance your metabolism, fat-burning, and human growth hormone (HGH) production.

There are many considerations to remember when you exercise in a fasted state. This infographic on intermittent fasting provides a recommended schedule and eating to follow, as well as other fasting tips to use.


Two Additional Lifestyle Strategies that Affect Telomere Length


While a nutritious diet accounts for about 80 percent of the benefits derived from a healthy lifestyle, exercise cannot be ignored, and there's evidence suggesting that exercise protects against telomere shortening as well. Yet another lifestyle strategy that can have a beneficial impact is intermittent fasting.

Nutritional Therapy for HIV and AIDS


The virus causes serious damage to your immune system, which leaves you vulnerable to disease-causing organisms, and may progress into AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). While there is currently no known cure, the virus is typically treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), which consists of a combination of at least three antiretroviral drugs designed to help suppress the HIV virus and stop the progression of disease. 

Nutritional therapy, however, is an often-overlooked alternative, which important new research has shown may be effective in delaying HIV progression without the use of drugs.

10 Warning Signs of Bowel (Colorectal) Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore


Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described here in this article, then you are best to talk to your doctor. It could be nothing, and you are probably absolutely fine, but for your peace of mind, it is worth getting it checked out. But before discussing Signs and Symptoms of Bowel Cancer, it’s also important to which attribute to developing this disease:

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Survey Reveals Who’s Healthier

person holding syringe

However, that doesn't mean there is a total absence of evidence about the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children to give us an indication of whether or not the use of many more vaccines by children is contributing to their being chronically ill.

Antioxidants & Free Radicals


Alkaline ionized water is a powerful antioxidant. Alkaline ionized water is a plentiful source of antioxidants which help to neutralize free radicals. But what exactly are free radicals and antioxidants? In short, free radicals cause oxidation in our body and antioxidants prevent oxidation.

Telomere : Science of Growing Younger


Nutritionists have long been interested in the dynamics of telomere length in the body, and how telomeres figure in to human health and life expectancy. Telomeres were first discovered in 1973 by Alexey Olovnikov.

He found that the tiny units of DNA at the very end of each chromosome—the telomere—shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides and they may be the most powerful biological clock that has yet to be identified.

Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get shorter and shorter. Eventually, DNA replication and cell division ceases completely, at which point you die. However, a growing body of research is showing that certain nutrients play a huge role in protecting telomere length; greatly affecting how long you live.


Can the Mineral Zinc Improve Hearing Loss?

black stone on black surface

The mineral zinc has received some attention as of late because it appears to help fight the common cold when taken at the onset of symptoms. However, new research has shown another potential use in regard to idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, also known as SSNHL.

Mindful Eating: Nourishing Your Gut and Mind for Optimal Well-Being

🌱🍴 Unlocking the secret to a harmonious mind and gut connection through mindful eating. Dive into the world of nourishing foods, fiber-rich feasts, and the magic of prebiotics and probiotics for a holistic well-being journey like no other. 🧘‍♀️🥗

Must Read

Get Omega-3 From FLAX SEEDS


Flax seeds resemble sesame seeds in appearance but are slightly bigger in size. Flax seeds are known as Alsi in Hindi. They have a hard but smooth and shiny outer shell. The colour of this seed ranges from deep amber to reddish brown. It has a warm, kind of nutty and earthy flavour.

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