Micronutrients and Multivitamins Delay HIV Progression


New study found that HIV-positive people who took multivitamins (B vitamins and vitamins C and E) and selenium fared much better than those who did not. 

Compared to the placebo group, those taking both a daily multivitamin and selenium were half as likely to have drops in CD4 immune cells to levels that would typically be treated with anti-HIV drugs. Further, those taking the supplement combination were also half as likely to develop or die from AIDS.

Reliance Jio (live) Metamorphosing into Maro (die) With 5G Radiation

Do we really need 5G in common man’s lives ?

Eat Blueberries To Live A Longer Life


Sometimes foods that are healthy don't always appeal to a large number of people. Blueberries are an exception, however - they are both delicious and nutritious. Blueberries are truly one of the great superfoods for so many reasons. Although they can satisfy a sweet tooth, they are low in sugar and low on the glycemic index, so they will not cause blood sugar levels to spike up.

Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection: A Transformative Wellness Trend of 2023

🌱 Unveiling the Gut-Brain Connection: The groundbreaking wellness trend of 2023 that's transforming the way we view our bodies and minds. Explore the intricate relationship between your gut microbiota and mental well-being, and learn how mindful choices can foster harmony within. 🧠✨

Honey Bees: The Latest Weapon in the Cancer War


Bees have always played an important part in the healing arts around the world. Honey has been valued since ancient times for its sweetness and prized at the same time for its amazing medicinal properties. As far back as the times of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, there is evidence to show that honey was used for its antimicrobial properties and even today, it is making a strong comeback in the area of wound healing, where it seems to be able to treat even some of the most difficult wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers.

8 Natural Remedies to Boost Thyroid Function Naturally


Your thyroid is a hormone producing gland located in the middle of the lower neck. It has an impact on every cell, organ, and tissue of the body. It regulates your body’s temperature, body weight, heart rate, metabolic rate, and production of energy. Although it a very small organ, it optimal function is vital for your overall health and well-being.

10 Warning Signs of Bowel (Colorectal) Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore


Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described here in this article, then you are best to talk to your doctor. It could be nothing, and you are probably absolutely fine, but for your peace of mind, it is worth getting it checked out. But before discussing Signs and Symptoms of Bowel Cancer, it’s also important to which attribute to developing this disease:

Nourishing Nutritional Strategies for Summer Season

Embark on a journey of optimal health and well-being during the summer season. Through mindful food choices, we honor the abundant offerings of nature, cultivate a deep connection with the season's vibrancy, and nourish our bodies with the essential nutrients they crave.

Intermittent Fasting: How to Enhance Your Body’s Ability to Burn Fat


High-intensity exercise can reap numerous health benefits, and combining it with intermittent fasting takes your fitness up a notch. Properly done, intermittent fasting will enhance your metabolism, fat-burning, and human growth hormone (HGH) production.

There are many considerations to remember when you exercise in a fasted state. This infographic on intermittent fasting provides a recommended schedule and eating to follow, as well as other fasting tips to use.


10 Amazing Spices and Herbs that Will Help you Lose Weight


Most people know that the key to weight loss lies within what you eat. What many don’t know is that a key component might be collecting dust on your spice rack.

They may seem small and insignificant but spices offer much more than a kick of flavor to your meals. Many of them have ingredients that serve as potent weight loss aides when used correctly. Consider adding a natural weight loss catalyst to your diet by including some of the spices listed below into your daily routine.

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11 Inspirational Quotes To Light Up Your Mood

Let’s dive into these quotes to get your life back on track.These are just the first step of your journey into becoming more motivated.

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