Intermittent Fasting: How to Enhance Your Body’s Ability to Burn Fat


High-intensity exercise can reap numerous health benefits, and combining it with intermittent fasting takes your fitness up a notch. Properly done, intermittent fasting will enhance your metabolism, fat-burning, and human growth hormone (HGH) production.

There are many considerations to remember when you exercise in a fasted state. This infographic on intermittent fasting provides a recommended schedule and eating to follow, as well as other fasting tips to use.


Chaga: The Therapeutic Mushroom

Don't be shocked if you see more of Chaga in the coming years, since research shows significant promise.

Resveratrol – A Natural Chemosensitizer and Chemopreventive


The conventional cancer therapies currently available are surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy; aka the "cut, poison, burn" model. Chemotherapy is typically the main regimen for most cancers.

Looking to regrow your hair ? Try this Natural Ingredient

In a recent study, researchers at Tokushima University in Japan announced the discovery of a natural medication that may be able to cure the symptoms of alopecia.

Natural Remedy -Yoga Poses For Reducing Hypothyroidism

Thyroid disorders are very common in people around the globe. Thyroid disorders are very extensive on their own, involving regular treatment, and apart from drugs, some of the yoga asanas such as Sarvangasana, Ustrasana, Halasana,Matsyasana, Bhujangasana have been shown to be very effective in reducing hypothyroidism. Highlights Yoga improves blood circulation in the body. Hypothyoridism can cause stress and anxiety The thyroid is a small gland in the throat which secretes hormones. Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland are responsible for the body's metabolism, temperature and growth. There are two types of thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Whereas the former is characterized by the inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough thyroid hormones, the latter is due to the effects of toomany hormones by the thyroid gland. Yoga asanas are proved to be an efficient natural...

Stay Healthy from Head to Toe with These Natural Health Tips


Here's the truth: you can reach optimal health without using pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, some of the best strategies to maintain optimal health DO NOT require medications and medical intervention. Just by consuming a wholesome diet – one that's composed of organic, raw, and minimally processed foods – and adjusting your lifestyle, you can stay in peak health.

Natural Health Tips infographic is a useful guide to help you care for your body naturally. Learn easy but effective techniques that will help you achieve the optimal level of health. Feel free to share this interesting information with your friends and loved ones.

18 Herbal Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief


Joint pain is a common problem prevailing in almost every part of this developing world. It is basically symptom and not a disease. The various causes of joint pain are:

Importance of Self-Care for New Mothers

Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience that can bring joy, fulfillment, and a deep sense of purpose. However, it can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and emotionally draining. Many new mothers struggle to balance the demands of caring for a newborn with their own needs for rest, self-care, and emotional support. Self-care is a crucial...

Stress Reduction with Rock Salt Lamps


Large crystal rocks, mined in Europe and Asia, are also used as salt lamps. A salt lamp is a lamp carved from a larger saltcrystal, often colored, with anincandescent light bulb or a candle inside. The lamps give an attractive glow and are suitable for use as nightlights or for ambient mood lighting.

A Powerful Nutrient Trio to Reduce Your Osteoporosis Risk


A study published in Osteoporosis International has concluded that lifetime supplementation with vitamin K1 or, even better, K2, vitamin D3, and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women.

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What Is Alcohol Poisoning?


Alcohol poisoning impairs the body and eventually can shut down the areas of the brain that control basic life-support functions like breathing, heart rate, and temperature control. You become more susceptible to alcohol poisoning when you:

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