Whether you’re bugging out, camping, or hiking, traversing the environment alone is difficult since you must be self-sufficient if you get lost. While this is uncommon among survivalists, those who are unfamiliar with the outdoors may become disoriented. If you become lost in the woods, here are nine survival recommendations. (h/t to Survivopedia.com)

1. Don’t move

When you discover you’ve lost your way, stop going. There’s a chance you’re only a few metres from where you started. If you keep walking, you risk becoming even more lost in the maze.


2. Use the STOP technique to come to a halt

STOP is a valuable survival mnemonic. It denotes the following:

  • Stop. To relax, find a quiet spot to sit and take long, deep breaths.
  • Think. Recall your knowledge about the location. Were there any unexpected twists and turns? Did you come across any other people? These tidbits of knowledge can be incredibly beneficial.
  • Observe. If you have a compass or a map, use it. Look for landmarks, footprints, or any other clues that can help you find your way back.
  • Plan. Think about all of your alternatives. You have the option of continuing on the way ahead or turning around and returning to your original track.

Here are some more suggestions if you can’t decide which option to take:

3. Make a list of all of your assets

Make an inventory of everything in your vacation or bug-out bag. Calculate how long you can survive in the woods with the food you have on hand. Check what you have in your first-aid kit as well. It’s a good idea to re-acquaint yourself with your possessions so you’ll know what to look out for. (Related: Learn these five types of edibles to prepare for wilderness survival.)

4. Build A Shelter

The surroundings and the materials you’ve brought with you will determine whether or not you should build a shelter. If you become stranded on a snow-covered mountain, you’ll need to create a temporary shelter or pitch your tent if you have one to stay warm and dry. If you’re building a shelter, you’ll need a pocket knife to make the most of whatever natural resources you have.

5. Keep an eye out for individuals

Always remain on the alert for humans, whether you’re at rest or moving through the woods. Look for underbrush that has been flattened, food wrappers, abandoned campsites, and any other signs of human activity. If you come across any of them, have a look around and follow the path that other hikers took. This may either lead you out or bring you to a busy campground.

6. Keep yourself hydrated

Stay hydrated by drinking water on a regular basis. Look for a supply of drinking water if you’re trapped for an extended amount of time. Using the most basic of materials, there are numerous techniques to cleanse water in the environment.

7. Make a fire

A modest bonfire keeps mosquitoes at bay while also signaling your position to other campers around. Gather dried grass, twigs, or anything else that can be used as tinder or kindling. There are numerous alternatives to using matches or a lighter to create a fire.

8. Maintain your body temperature

If you are stranded in the woods and start a fire, hypothermia is one of your worst foes. Starting a fire and covering oneself in thick, heavy clothes will keep you warm.

9. Stay to an open area

Because most open areas in the woods are produced by human activity, staying in a clearing puts you near to other people. Furthermore, if you’re out in the open, a low-flying plane passing by may readily notice you. Stay there and wait for aid to arrive, as the pilot may radio your location.

It takes more than simply finding your way out of the woods to get lost. It’s also about surviving in the outdoors and becoming self-sufficient. If you’re going to bug out, camp, or trek, keep these pointers in mind.

Source: Preparedness.news

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